The BECOMING 1:1 programme

Bespoke to You.

At the end of the programme, I can say with my hand on my heart, that I was a completely different person. I am a completely different person.

My sense of self, my self worth, my awareness, my sense of purpose, they are all transformed. And from this, I changed my story – I didn’t fix myself to show up differently in my relationship, I asked my inner child what she wanted (because we are friends now and I can do that), and the answer was, to been seen, to be loved and to be cherished. So that’s exactly the things I have given to her, myself.

I have ended cycles and patterns that had been playing out in my life for decades, my energy is different, new opportunities and new doors have started opening for me. New people are coming into my life. Because I have upgraded, I have levelled up and I am now ready.
— Amy

This Becoming is an accelerated programme to help you become secure in yourself so that you are secure in love and can actually be in the loving mature relationship
you desire and deserve.

Reclaim your Self-Worth, Reawaken Self-Love, Learn to Trust Your Self & Create A New Way of Relating 

In this deeply personal programme, You will LET GO of so much and you will be LETTING IN on a whole new level of being so that you BECOME the woman you know you are.

You begin to connect to your innermost desires and instead of coming from insecurities, you will become rooted and grounded so that your confidence and sense of self grows and grows.

So that Love and Life evolves in the way you WANT IT TO including health, purpose, creativity and passion.

Do you say YES to any of these?

Are you a woman who wants a stronger more loving relationship with yourself while desiring deeper connection in your relationships especially with a loving intimate partner?

Whether you're a perfectionist, a people-pleaser, or always putting others first, are you experiencing recurring challenges in your relationships?

Do you find yourself attracted to unavailable partners, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and questioning your worth?

You could even be yearning to meet your soul mate, the One, but it just does not happen!

Or you are with a partner you love but yet it's hard to communicate, you cannot get beyond triggering each other and you feel your needs are not being met.

You may feel trapped within yourself, constantly second-guessing your choices, and feeling like you are never enough?

You may find yourself sabotaging opportunities that you desire especially in Love, but also in your career and/or personal well-being making you feel stuck?

Is stress and irritability ever near and making you feel like you're always on the edge?

Do you feel disconnected from your own body and emotions, living primarily in your head racked with confusion and maybe anxiety that really rears its head in intimate connections?


Send me an email, I can support you to move beyond this to where you want to be. We can arrange a call, see if we fit and go from there!

Love Delyth x